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💱 Support for different base currencies (USD, EUR, CNY, INR)
✅ Compliant to newest Android guidelines regarding battery efficiency
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See crypto market trends at first glance with this lightweight and fast app! By seeing changes of 1h, 24h and 7d in a colorcoded way you are able to quickly react to upcoming gains/dips in the crypto coin & currency markets.
Smart alarms can notify you if trends are detected. Custom alerts can notify you exactly when you want it to be.
All price data comes directly from the well-known CoinMarketCap.com (CMC) website, all relevant crypto currencies are included.
On small screens are only 1h and 24h changes visible. Check landscape mode to see more information.
Data can be refreshed every 5min (CoinMarketCap limitation).
Cryptocurrencies: bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, bitcoin-cash, litecoin, cardano, eos, stellar, neo, iota, monero, dash, tron, nem, tether, ethereum-classic, vechain, qtum, icon, binance-coin, lisk, omisego, bitcoin-gold, nano, zcash, digixdao, verge, populous, steem, stratis, bytecoin-bcn, siacoin, waves, rchain, ontology, bitcoin-diamond, maker, bitshares, bytom, dogecoin, aeternity, augur, decred, veritaseum, status, waltonchain, zilliqa, komodo, aion, 0x, hshare, ardor, ark, cryptonex, kucoin-shares, pivx, loopring, factom, digibyte, qash, ethos, monacoin, iostoken, nebulas-token, gas, golem-network-tokens, basic-attention-token, dragonchain, storm, syscoin, revain, funfair, gxchain, electroneum, kyber-network, zcoin, aelf, salt, request-network, substratum, neblio, reddcoin, nxt, kin, emercoin, nucleus-vision, chainlink, tenx, enigma-project, maidsafecoin, byteball, power-ledger, dentacoin, bancor, dent, particl, nuls, cindicator, storj, metal, polymath-network, iconomi, minexcoin, blocknet, nexus, enjin-coin, genaro-network, pillar, cube, decentraland, genesis-vision, bitcoindark, vertcoin, aragon, civic, achain, bitcore, rlc, gnosis-gno, credits, singularitynet, dynamic-trading-rights, smartcash, gamecredits, time-new-bank, theta-token, quantstamp, monaco, poa-network, santiment, raiden-network-token, skycoin, sirin-labs-token, xpa, nav-coin, wax, poet, ignis, ubiq, oyster, dew, boscoin, pura, gifto, crypterium, high-performance-blockchain, paypie, bibox-token, zencash, arcblock, edgeless, sophiatx, pundi-x-old, cybermiles, digitalnote, fusion, envion, asch, blockv, telcoin, ethlend, salus, bluzelle, xtrabytes, adx-net, mithril, medibloc, thekey, experience-points, bitbay, scryinfo, bridgecoin, ripio-credit-network, loom-network, ion, ost, eidoo, c20, iot-chain, peercoin, amber, medishares, district0x, sonm, feathercoin, airswap, origintrail, quantum-resistant-ledger, smartmesh, red-pulse, jibrel-network, synereo, streamr-datacoin, einsteinium, vibe, utrust, modum, singulardtv, appcoins, wings, data, naga, spankchain, gulden, taas, melon, deepbrain-chain, trinity-network-credit, etherparty, wepower, mobilego, wabi, bread, library-credit, spacechain, casinocoin, qlink, tierion, ormeus-coin, universa, counterparty, bottos, viacoin, indahash, rock, metaverse, soarcoin, delphy, ins-ecosystem, centra, ink, blockmason, wagerr, burst, triggers, havven, unobtanium, aeon, game, cloakcoin, presearch, kickico, bitcny, iht-real-estate-protocol, blox, groestlcoin, html-coin, uptoken, tomochain, elastic, mobius, humaniq, ravencoin, crown, viberate, namecoin, tokencard, leocoin, unikoin-gold, potcoin, cpchain, hive-project, decision-token, monetha, lunyr, shift, ucash, pepe-cash, everex, deeponion, bean-cash, blakestar, decent, cofound-it, mooncoin, suncontract, refereum, zeepin, fortuna, nimiq, whitecoin, flash, odyssey, eccoin, datum, steem-dollars, iocoin, internet-node-token, blockport, linkeye, yoyow